$DUB is an indexcoin that is fully collateralized and pegged to a basket of approved stable assets, including $USDC, $USDT, and $DAI. These stable assets are deposited into audited strategies on the blockchain, providing a steady stream of stable yield.

The objective of $DUB indexcoin is to enable investors to participate in the dynamic yield opportunities offered by the supported collaterals on-chain, without needing to personally manage the underlying assets. This is achieved by using a process called "rebase" which takes place approximately every 24 hours and distributes real yield to token and LP holders.

  • The primary functional token of Dubble DEX is $DUB.

  • DUBBL serves as the emissions token of Dubble DEX.

  • The governance token of Dubble DEX is called veDUBBL, which is obtained by locking DUBBL-DUB LP tokens.

Benefits of pairing with $DUB

  • The APR is enhanced as a result of the DUB rebase mechanism when paired with other tokens.

  • By pairing with $DUB, traders and liquidity providers on Dubble DEX will benefit from reduced trading fees, leading to increased trading volume for the pairs.

Voters on Dubble DEX will be eligible to receive a percentage of the DUB rebase for the pairs they have voted for. If a voter has selected pairs that include a significant amount of DUB, they will receive a portion of the rebase for that pair during the week.

Protocol benefits

Dubble DEX offers partner protocols a higher earning potential for their DAOs compared to any other exchange.

  • Their treasury will receive 25% of the trading fees generated by their pair.

  • A portion of the DUB rebase equivalent to 15% for the pool will be utilized to automatically bribe the pool, thus establishing a self-sufficient pool.

Last updated