Fee Structure
Dubble DEX offers some of the lowest swap fees that are available in DeFi. A further benefit of using $DUB pairs is that the trading fees are reduced by half. The trading fees for Dubble DEX are listed as follows:
Stable pairs - 0.01% / 0.005% if pair includes $DUB
Volatile pairs - 0.2% / 0.1% if pair includes $DUB
In cases where both tokens of a liquidity pool's pair have been whitelisted by the $DUB stablecoin issuer to be staked in gauges and receive Dubble emissions rewards, the liquidity providers of that pair will not receive any swap fees. Instead, the profits earned by these liquidity providers who stake in gauges are entirely derived from Dubble emissions rewards.
VeDUBBL holders who vote for a specific gauge to receive Dubble emissions will earn swap fees from the liquidity pair that they have voted for. This encourages veDUBBL lockers to vote for the gauges with the highest volume of swap fees. The amount of fees earned by veDUBBL holders is determined by the liquidity pool they have voted for. The distribution of trading fees is as follows:
Main Pools:
90% fees to veDUBBL voters
10% converted to stables and sent to $DUB investment treasury to increase the yielding power of $DUB
Official Partner Pools:
65% fees to veDUBBL voters
25% to partner treasury
10% converted to stables and sent to $DUB investment treasury to increase the yielding power of $DUB
This mechanism gives veDUBBL holders the authority to encourage swap fees over overall liquidity. The direction of Dubble emissions is controlled by the lockers.
If a liquidity pool is not approved to be staked in the gauge, it will earn all the swap fees it generates, but won't be eligible for Dubble emissions. Similarly, liquidity providers who don't stake the LP in gauges will receive swap fees, but won't earn Dubble emissions.
Last updated
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